The NFL has launched a new service that could turn out to be a milestone in the development of Internet media, Game Rewind.
Game Rewind is a $19.99/season Internet video service that lets you watch every NFL game in HD quality, with no commercials. Game Rewind provides DVR functionality and lets you watch up to four games at once. The NFL is saying games will be available within, at most, 24 hours.
Game Rewind has the potential to be huge:
* It routes around cable networks and traditional networks and makes the NFL the network;
* It eliminates the need, at least for football fans, for TiVo-style devices;
* It will expand the idea of the Internet replacing television to a mass audience; and
* It will increase the length of videos that people are watching online to unprecedented time.
Services like this really highlight the missed opportunity that Apple has with the Apple TV. NFL fans would love to have an easy way to get this on their HDTVs instead of their television, and an Apple TV app store offering a $20 NFL purchase could be a huge hit.
Do you think NFL’s Game Rewind going to be huge?
Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008
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Kamis, 11 Desember 2008
Need for Speed Undercover
Need for Speed returns to its roots with hokey cutscenes, wild cop chases, and solid racing action.
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Need for Speed Undercover Deuce Palm Harbor TrailerNow PlayingPosted Dec 2, 20081:13(8,684 views)Need for Speed Undercover "Deuce" Palm Harbor Trailer. When you're moving this fast, its hard to tell which side you're on...
Watch the:SD VideoHD Video 540pNeed for Speed Undercover Launch Party VideoNow PlayingPosted Nov 25, 20084:32(32,584 views)Check out this video covering the launch party for Need for Speed Undercover.
Watch the:SD VideoNeed for Speed Undercover Video Review 1Now PlayingPosted Nov 19, 20084:34(82,561 views)Aaron Thomas gives the final word on Need for Speed Undercover.
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EA stock takes a beating Publisher's disappointing guidance revision sparks sell-off of stock and analyst downgrade; shares lose 12 percent of value in a single day.
Posted Dec 10, 2008 3:29 pm PT EA lowers outlook, confirms cutbacks [UPDATE] Publisher slashes outlook following lower-than-expected holiday retails sales; indicates more layoffs, studio consolidation, SKU reductions.
Posted Dec 9, 2008 1:41 pm PT Analysts leery of EA, Guitar Hero Colin Sebastian believes poor showing of Mirror's Edge could lead to more layoffs and cancellations; EEDAR's Jesse Divnich thinks Activision's rhythm game has "peaked."
Posted Dec 8, 2008 6:28 pm PT
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Best of 2008 Preliminaries
- Posted Dec 1, 2008
- 3:22
GameSpot editors give a little insight into the process for GameSpot's Best of 2008 deliberations.
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Exploit of the Moment - Grand Theft Auto IV
- Posted Jun 2, 2008
- 1:26
We show you an easy way to achieve what's normally a very difficult achievement.
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Grand Theft Auto IV Gameplay Movie 10
- Posted May 22, 2008
- 592621:29:46
Two for the price of none! Unlock achievements and run or fly for your life in Grand Theft Auto IV.
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News & Features
GTAIV named Time's GOTY
Take-Two's top-rated action adventure game wins high honors from venerable news magazine; Braid, Little Big Planet named runners-up.
- Posted Dec 9, 2008 4:18 pm PT
Uncut GTAIV PC coming to Australia
Uncensored version of Grand Theft Auto IV PC to go on sale down under.
- Posted Nov 30, 2008 11:07 pm PT
GameSpot's 2008 Holiday Gift Guide
There are more great games than ever on store shelves... That's why GameSpot has put together the 2008 edition of its Holiday Gift Guide!
- Posted Nov 21, 2008 6:27 pm PT
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Resistance 2
Almost two years after Resistance: Fall of Man gave PlayStation 3 owners their first great exclusive shooter, Resistance 2 has arrived bearing more great news. No, humanity hasn't gained an edge in its desperate fight against the alien Chimera (quite the opposite, in fact). The news is that Resistance 2 takes the grand apocalyptic setting and tight, fast-paced action of its predecessor and improves upon it in almost every way. Bigger battles, richer environments, and an outstanding new eight-player cooperative mode elevate Resistance 2 above almost every other shooter on the PS3.
From the first moments of the single-player campaign, Resistance 2 proclaims its dedication to grandeur. As you crawl from the wreckage of your transport helicopter, you look up to see a sinister, towering machine laying waste to your surroundings, its shiny black bulk standing in stark relief to the smoky blue sky and green Nordic scrub. Environments (and enemies) like these, vividly colored and remarkably big, are prevalent throughout the campaign. Your journey will take you across North America, where you'll visit a fantastic variety of rural, suburban, urban, and alien landscapes. You'll see attention to detail in the plants under your feet, in the towering skyscrapers above your head, and everywhere in between. The scars of the Chimeran invasion clash dramatically against the technicolor mid-century American backdrop, setting a superb stage for exciting action.
And make no mistake, the action is the real star here. The protagonist, Nathan Hale, and his fellow soldiers are run-of-the-mill characters, and the functional story is a bit too vague to be interesting. Intel documents scattered about each level provide intriguing background and foreshadowing, but most of them are hidden away and require too much errant exploration to find. The only time you'll feel any emotional connection to the proceedings is when you stop to listen to the radio. The scattered monologues from radioman Henry Stillman provide a wrenching window into the despair of a nation overrun, and they're the lone narrative highlight.
Despite the lackluster story, Resistance 2's excellent single-player campaign is a thrilling roller coaster ride across dozens of varied locales, each infested with Chimera. Your horrible alien foes run the gamut from tiny chittering scorpions to fanged foot soldiers, from shielded two-story titans to lumbering forty-story leviathans. They come at you in waves of increasing size and intensity; they are quick, aggressive, and accurate, and dispatching them will take skill and persistence. Resistance 2 isn't an easy game, but that just makes your hard-fought victories sweeter.
To achieve these victories, you'll need to stay alive. You can fully recover your health by ducking out of the line of fire for a few seconds, a tactic you'll need to use often. While you usually aren't too far from a checkpoint, you're often far enough to make death very unappealing. This is particularly true during the massive boss battles and the large-scale conflicts that pit you against legions of increasingly nasty Chimera. These are the most exciting encounters in the game, and though the former are less challenging than the latter, there's nothing quite like squaring off against a beast the size of the Chrysler Building.
The 12 guns you wield throughout the campaign are also quite satisfying. Some old favorites have returned, like the workhorse M5A2 Carbine, and there are a few great additions, like the .44 Magnum that shoots bullets that double as remote-detonated explosives. Secondary attacks like this one are a feature on every gun, and they effectively double the destructive options at your disposal. Though the weapons don't feel particularly realistic, they are so uniquely deadly and fun to use that you'll hardly notice. You can only carry two guns at a time, but the game does a good job of making sure you have a chance to use them all. There are also a few different types of powerful grenades at your disposal (notably the fiery air-fuel and spiky hedgehog), and they round out your very effective and very gratifying arsenal.
While the campaign is a lengthy (about 10 hours) and satisfying endeavor, the online cooperative mode is what really sets Resistance 2 apart. In this mode, up to eight players fight their way through hordes of Chimera to accomplish a set of objectives. Each player must choose one of three specific classes, each with its own guns and special abilities. The Medic drains enemy health and passes it on to teammates, an essential function because no one can regenerate health. The Special Ops uses a battle rifle of sorts and is the only source of ammunition refills. The Soldier carries a gatling gun that can generate a protective shield, defending his teammates and shredding the Chimera simultaneously. This interdependency binds players together and creates a frantic, engaging team dynamic.
As a further incentive, each player earns experience and currency throughout the mission that can be used to unlock more weapons, special abilities, and stat-enhancing gear. These powerful bonuses aren't easy to attain, which makes earning them all the more satisfying. The action plays out on a variety of sizable multiplayer maps inspired by the campaign levels. These maps each have a bevy of objectives, and every mission takes a few objectives at random and strings them together, so subsequent playthroughs of the same map feel different. This is a good thing, because you'll have to run a number of successful missions on the first map before you unlock the next, and so on. Each map is designed so that enemies can (and will) come at you from a number of directions. Missions are hard and demand teamwork and skill, so each time you vanquish a wave of enemies it feels like a small victory. Add this sense of accomplishment to the addictive and rewarding experience system, and you've got a game mode that's truly excellent.
If you're not feeling cooperative, Resistance 2 boasts a robust competitive mode as well. Maps accommodate as few as two and as many as 60 players, and do so with virtually no lag. The usual Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Capture the Flag ("Core Control") modes are available, but the best of the bunch is Skirmish. In this mode, teams are divided up into squads, and each squad receives on-the-fly objectives to complete. Objectives are updated often and can change the flow of battle drastically, so each match has a unique, frantic feel. Unlike in the cooperative mode, you have all the abilities and weapons in the single-player campaign readily available to you, so everyone is more or less evenly matched. You can also play ranked matches to earn experience and upgrades, and even though it's not quite as engaging as the cooperative mode, the competitive multiplayer is still a blast.
All in all, Resistance 2 is an excellent game. The stirring scale of the single-player levels is impressive and the pervasive details make them truly awesome. Despite the squandered story, blasting your way through the campaign is electrifying, thanks largely to the deadly weapons in your arsenal. The cooperative multiplayer is a resounding success, and the competitive modes are terrific in their own right. Anyone looking for a superb shooter experience need look no further than Resistance 2.
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martedì 25 novembre 2008
M'illumino di meno 2009.
Per il quinto anno consecutivo Caterpillar, il noto programma di Radio2 in onda tutti i giorni dalle 18 alle 19.30, lancia per il 13 febbraio 2009 "M'illumino di meno", una grande giornata di mobilitazione internazionale in nome del risparmio energetico.
Dopo il successo delle passate edizioni, i conduttori Cirri e Solibello chiederanno nuovamente ai loro ascoltatori di dimostrare che esiste un enorme, gratuito e sotto utilizzato giacimento di energia pulita: il risparmio. L'invito rivolto a tutti è quello di spegnere le luci e tutti i dispositivi elettrici non indispensabili il 13 febbraio 2008 dalle ore 18.
Nelle precedenti edizioni "M'illumino di meno" ha contagiato milioni di persone impegnate in un'allegra e coinvolgente gara etica di buone pratiche ambientali. Semplici cittadini, scuole, aziende, musei, gruppi multinazionali, società sportive, istituzioni, associazioni di volontariato, università, commercianti e artigiani hanno aderito, ciascuno a proprio modo, alla Giornata del Risparmio. Lo scorso anno il “silenzio energetico” coinvolse simbolicamente le piazze principali in Italia e in Europa: a Roma il Colosseo, il Pantheon, la Fontana di Trevi, il Palazzo del Quirinale, Montecitorio e Palazzo Madama, a Verona l'Arena, a Torino la Basilica di Superga, a Venezia Piazza San Marco, a Firenze Palazzo Vecchio, a Napoli il Maschio Angioino, a Bologna Piazza Maggiore, a Milano il Duomo e Piazza della Scala ma anche Parigi, Londra, Vienna, Atene, Barcellona, Dublino, Edimburgo, Palma de Mallorca, Lubiana si sono “illuminate di meno”, come altre decine di città in Germania, in Spagna, in Inghilterra, in Romania.
Molte città italiane si sono mobilitate per coinvolgere i comuni gemellati all'estero: un passaparola virtuoso che, anche tramite il coinvolgimento delle ambasciate, ha consentito di spegnere luci davvero in ogni parte del mondo. Dopo il successo europeo dell'edizione 2008, per il 2009 vorremmo dar spazio non solo alle istituzioni ma soprattutto ai cittadini d'Europa, invitando tutti, insegnanti, sportivi, professionisti, associazioni, a creare gemellaggi inediti tra categorie o tra singoli individui diffondendo la campagna di sensibilizzazione oltre confine.
La campagna di M'illumino di meno 2009 inizierà il 7 gennaio e si protrarrà fino al 13 febbraio, dando voce al racconto delle idee più interessanti e innovative, in Italia e all'estero, per razionalizzare i consumi d'energia e di risorse, dai piccoli gesti quotidiani agli accorgimenti tecnici che ognuno può declinare a proprio modo per tagliare gli sprechi. Sul sito internet del programma, sarà possibile segnalare la propria adesione alla campagna, precisando quali iniziative concrete si metteranno in atto nel corso della giornata, in modo che le idee più interessanti e innovative servano da esempio e possano essere riprodotte.
La redazione di Caterpillar -
Per aderire già da ora all'iniziativa: Evento Facebook creato dal Gruppo Blog Internazionale.
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Rabu, 10 Desember 2008
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nitendo accesoris
nitendo wifi Skal is a sophisticated tool that uses the game using a wifi signal. This tool can be used to play are a party of four. with the quality of graphics sagat promises. This nitendo
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